When Strom Thurmond ran for president [in 1948], we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years.
In case you were wondering, this was Strom's lead that Lott says we should have followed:
"And I want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigra race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches.""All the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the nigra into our homes, our schools, our churches."
(1948 Speech)
Here are some more choice tidbits about our new Senate Minority Whip:
- In 1982, Lott voted against the extension of the Voting Rights Act, which authorizes the Justice Department to review election law changes in Mississippi and other Deep South states and to monitor elections.
- In 1983, he was one of 90 House members who voted against creating a national holiday to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- Six years later, Lott was one of seven senators who voted to abolish the King holiday commission, and in 1994, he was one of 28 who favored scrapping its federal funding.
- Lott was one of 34 senators who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1990, which reversed five Supreme Court rulings that had limited the ability of minorities to win job discrimination lawsuits and damages. After President George H. W. Bush vetoed the bill, Lott voted for a different version in 1991.
- And in 2001, Lott was the only senator who opposed President George W. Bush's nomination of Roger Gregory, an African-American from Virginia, to the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
- In 1999, when Lott was embroiled in another racial controversy, he had only one African-American worker, a mail clerk, out of a staff of 65.
- In 1981, Lott filed a brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit seeking to overturn an IRS decision to deny a tax exemption to Bob Jones University because of the school's ban on interracial dating.
- In 1995, Lott criticized Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) for intervening with 39 other lawmakers to get the FBI to release documents in the 1966 death of civil rights activist Vernon Dahmer to Forrest County prosecutors.
- In 1999, it was reported that Lott had spoken to and met with the segregationist Council of Concerned Citizens on a few occasions. Lott then condemned the group.
- Last year, Lott and the other white members of the Mississippi congressional delegation refused an entreaty from former Netscape president James Barksdale to declare that they would vote in favor of a statewide referendum to remove the Confederate emblem from the state flag. The proposal lost.
This is who the Republicans picked as their face in their effort to re-energize their base. Like John McCain said:
We lost our principles and our majority. And there is no way to recover our majority without recovering our principles first."
I have to say: good job on recovering the Republican principle of blind hate. That is, after all, what most of your die-hard constituents count on you for: keeping the nigras, fags, and mexicans in their place. You just got too preoccupied with war profiteering to remember that.
Why am I writing about this? Because you sure as hell won't hear about it on TV. It seems that Sen. Lott is getting a whitewash about his white supremacy. Here's bowtie-sporting boob Tucker Carlson's hard-hitting expose:
In the meantime, guess what? Another Republican is making a huge comeback. Remember Senator Trent Lott? Yeah, well, he used to be the majority leader, and then he ran into a little difficulty, but now, he's making a comeback. He is putting his name out there against Lamar Alexander of Tennessee for the minority whip position. Now, some are very surprised by the fact that he's trying to make this sort of a comeback. But it looks like he may, in fact, have enough votes to overtake Alexander for this position.Way to go, Tucker! Hard as nails, that guy...
So yeah, if people like me don't raise the issue, you'll never hear about it.
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